jueves, 30 de diciembre de 2010

30 de diciembre. Diez promesas de los directores territoriales de Estados Unidos






Father John Connor, LC and Father Julio Marti, LC, territorial directors respectively of the Atlanta and New York territories have issued the following letter to introduce a new report that they will use in their territories to mark progress on the Legion’s commitments to improvement. The report presents information according to the commitments made by the Legion earlier this year in the March 25 letter from the order’s superiors, and includes key issues for improvement raised in the Vatican’s May 1 communiqué. The report will be updated periodically.

1. Continue seeking reconciliation and reaching out to those who have suffered.
2. Honor the truth about our history.
3. Continue offering safety, especially for minors, in our institutions and activities, both in environments and in procedures.
4. Grow in a spirit of unselfish service to the Church and people - Cooperate better with all the bishops and with other institutions in the Church.
5. Improve our communication.
6. Continue our oversight to insure that our administrative controls and procedures are implemented on all levels, and to continue demanding proper accountability.
7. Redouble our dedication to the mission of offering Christ’s Gospel to as many people as possible - And above all, seek holiness with renewed effort, guided by the Church.
8. The need to redefine the charism of the Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ, preserving its true core, that of the "militia Christi", which characterizes the apostolic and missionary activity of the Church and which is not the same as efficiency at any cost.
9. The need to review the exercise of authority, which must be joined to truth, so as to respect consciences and to develop in the light of the Gospel as authentic ecclesial service
10. The need to preserve, through appropriate formation, the enthusiasm of the faith of young members, their missionary zeal and their apostolic dynamism. Disillusionment concerning the founder could call into question this vocation and the core of the charism which belongs to and distinguishes the Legionaries of Christ.

1 comentario:

  1. I pray that all goes well in carrying out these promises. God bless and guide Fr Julio and Fr John, both of whom entered the Legion in the same group as I did back in 1991. They are hard-working, down-to-earth men who have a tough job, which they can only carry out with the help of the Holy Spirit.
