miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010

14 de abril. We love our priests


I need a few minutes of your time.

Lisa came home from her Encounter today saying there was a case about the heroic efforts of a priest, that paid off in a conversion, and…hmmm…wouldn’t it be nice to create a website where people could chronicle positive stories that they knew of priests. So, we put this site together, and it’s hot off the (Word)presses: http://www.WeLoveOurPriests.com

Now, I ask a favor: Would you take a few minutes and tell a story you know of. Some priest who went above and beyond to do something. It can be anything, at any time. Priests in battle, priests going out of their way to reach the sick for last rites, just giving wise advice that changed lives…you get the picture.

You will see the form to submit at the end of the first post. Just fill it in; and within a day, it will be on the site. Thanks.

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