lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010

8 de marzo. El hermano precandidato que perdió una pierna se recupera y volverá al centro vocacional.


Bom dia,

The brother mentioned above (Willy) is thanking for your prayers. He has had his second surgery and is ready to head home (near the seminary) for a few months. His first question to the priest that was staying with him at the hospital after the first curgery was: may I still be a Legionary? That was answered immediatedly by the Priest: "Certainly! As always it is up to you and God". I have been daily in touch with Willy and his family. He plans to be back to the seminary in two months, still not walking and not being able to hold cruches. There are brothers already preparing to be able to take care of him. Please pray. He is only 17 and now he needs all strength to be able to start over.

3 comentarios:

  1. We will be praying for him to be strong in this time of difficulty...

  2. Sería muy edificante que cambiaran la norma de expulsar a los discapacitados y que este hermano se pudiera ordenar sacerdote en la Legión

  3. P. Álvaro confirmó en Roma a los hermanos brasileños que el apostólico podrá seguir en la Legión normalmente. El P. Alexandre Paciolli le consiguió el mejor médico y hospital de Brasil para que le pongan una prótesis. Los médicos garantizaron que podrá caminar y correr casi comoo una persona normal. Podrá seguir siendo legionario.
